Presence of viral DNA in tissues of vulvar cancer patients

Nerodo G.A., Zykova T.A., Ivanova V.A., Nerodo E.A.

Rostov Research Institute of Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Objective. Study of the presence of viral DNA in tissues of patients with vulvar cancer. Subject and methods. DNAs of HPV of high and low cancer risks and herpes viruses (HSV-1,2, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and human herpesvirus-6) were determined retrospectively in tumor tissue blocks from 148 vulvar cancer patients aged 14-85 years. Amplification with subsequent DNA detection was performed by Real-Time PCR with hybridization-fluorescent detection. Results. Infection with all virus types was detected in 47.3% of patients with vulvar cancer, including DNAs of HPV of different genotypes in 35.1%. Besides, we observed EBV (16.2%), human herpesvirus-6 (8.1%) and CMV (2.7%). The analysis of the dependence of the viral DNA presence on the disease stage demonstrated that viral DNAs were observed more frequently at early stages (stage I – 58.8%, stage II – 47.5% and stage III – 35.3%); HPV DNAs followed that pattern (stage I – 47.1%, stage II – 30% and stage III – 11.8%; p<0.01). Viral DNAs were detected in 75% of young patients and in 34% of old patients; HPV DNAs were found in 54.2% of young patients and in 18% of old patients, with HPV-16 predominance in both groups. Conclusion. The results confirmed the data on the existence of two pathogenetic variants of the development of vulvar cancer.


vulvar cancer
herpes viruses

Supplementary Materials

  1. Table 1. Spectrum of detection of viruses in patients with vulvar cancer in each stage of the disease, abs. h (%)
  2. Table 2. Detection of HPV DNA in patients with vulvar cancer, depending on the stage and age
  3. Table 3. Frequency of detection of genotypes of the HPV virus in patients with vulvar cancer, depending on the stage of the disease, abs. h (%)
  4. Table 4. The frequency of genotypes of the HPV virus in patients with vulvar cancer, depending on age, abs. h (%)


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Received 07.06.2017

Accepted 23.06.2017

About the Authors

Nerodo Galina Andreevna, MD, PhD, Professor, corresponding member of RAS, chief researcher at Rostov Research Institute of Oncology.
344037, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, 14-ya liniya 63. Tel.: +78633000200. E-mail:
Zykova Tatiana Alekseevna, MD, PhD, Head of Laboratory of Virusology, Rostov Research Institute of Oncology.
344037, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, 14-ya liniya 63. Tel.: +78633000200. E-mail:
Ivanova Viktoria Aleksandrovna, MD, PhD, Professor, oncologist at Rostov Research Institute of Oncology.
344037, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, 14-ya liniya 63. Tel.: +78633000200. E-mail:
Nerodo Ekaterina Alekseevna, MD, PhD, oncologist at Consultative-diagnostic polyclinic No.121.
117042, Russia, Moscow, Yuzhnobutovskaya str. 87. Tel.: +74952568909. E-mail:

For citations: Nerodo G.A., Zykova T.A., Ivanova V.A., Nerodo E.A. Presence of viral DNA in tissues of vulvar cancer patients. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya/Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017; (12): 89-95. (in Russian)

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